Council For
Child Abuse Prevention
Ending Child Abuse and Neglect San Fernando & Santa Clarita Valleys

Founded in 1977, the Council for Child Abuse Prevention - San Fernando & Santa Clarita Valleys is an inter-agency and community council dedicated to facilitating communication and problem solving in dealing with child abuse and neglect by:
Educating the public and professionals in all areas of child abuse prevention
Maximizing the effectiveness of existing resources by sharing information throughout our communities
Working with the local community to prevent, reduce and eliminate child abuse and neglect
The Council works collaboratively to facilitate and/or sponsor special projects for children and families. These projects focus on increasing opportunities for families to engage in safe, fun activities that promote family bonding and connection to resources. The goal of all projects and events is for families to develop the FIVE PROTECTIVE FACTORS that prevent child abuse and neglect in their homes.
The Five Protective Factors
Social Connections
Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development
Social & Emotional Competence of Children
Concrete Support in Times of Need
Parental Resilience